Monday, October 1, 2007

The Fourth Wave of Newly Independent States

[Note: This is in part a reply to Miodrag Kapor’s earlier post on Kosovo, but due to its length, I have decided to make it a separate post rather than a comment.]

You are right to worry about the cascade effect of Kosovo’s independence. As we have discussed previously, I believe the province’s independence is a fait accompli and cannot be avoided at this point. While some commentators have said Russia will block it out of ideology and not use it a bargaining chit, I disagree. I have watched the Putin administration closely for almost a decade and have yet to see ideology rear its ugly head. He is a pragmatism to the core and will ultimately sell out the Serbs (an outcome which, I believe, would be in the nation's long-term interests) to get his way with Abkhazia (though I still not see an independent South Ossetia in the cards).

Given this, I believe that the international community needs to begin addressing the implications of the “fourth wave” of newly independent states within and on the borders of the European Union. The first and most important wave (1918-1922) resulted from the breakup of the Romanov, Habsburg, Ottoman, and Hohenzollern empires after the Great War, creating Cazecholovakia & the Baltics and reviving Poland and Albania. While the second wave (1945-1969) which was associated with decolonization did little to redraw borders in Europe, the loss of colonial possessions did much to change the face of the Continent. The third wave (1989-1993) again remade the map of Eastern Europe, as the federal states of Yugoslavia and the USSR disintegrated. Today, we sit in the liminal space between waves three and four. In addition to Kosovo, Republika Srpska, Abkhazia, Transnistria, South Ossetia, Flanders, Wallonia, Euskadi (Basque Country), Catalunya, Padania, Corsica, and various ethno-republics of the Russian Federation are clamoring for absolute autonomy or outright independence. The devolution of power to regional and ethnic areas which the EU has facilitated over the years is a powerful catalyst for these polities. Kosovo’s independence will encourage them even more.

Inside the European Union (especially within the Euro- and Schengen-zones), granting independence is a bureaucratic nightmare, but will have little effect on peace and stability. Outside its borders, things are much stickier—especially where Russian troops might have a say in territorial transfers. Regardless, the lawless statelets which have proliferated since 1989 are a major problem and must be addressed soon. Forcing breakaway republics to adopt parts of the acquis communautaire could possibly function as tool to reduce crime, trafficking, etc. However, to get to that point, the EU needs a policy. In post-Soviet space, it will be Russia that rewards and punishes behavior, and so the Kremlin will need to do its part as well. The question is: how comfortable is the international community with the fracturing of the current state system? Is a 300-member UN anathema or could it be accommodated?

A unified position is the only way forward. Back in the early 1990s, Bush the Elder told Croatia and Slovenia not to jump ship, but there were back channel signals which contradicted this official position, and, of course, the Germans did not hide their feelings about Croatian and Slovene independence. Currently, such mixed messages again proliferate. As Miodrag pointed out in his earlier post, a common EU position on Kosovo itself is almost unimaginable, much less a concerted agreement on the general trend towards splinter states. This situation is likely to emerge as an important shibboleth in years to come. Angela Merkel has shown an amazing propensity for ostrich-like behavior on tough issues, so don’t look to Germany to provide answers. I suspect it instead be Nicholas Sarkozy that decides the future of the European map.


Pablo Castillo Diaz said...

Here I'm in (unusual) disagreement with both Robert and Miodrag. I do not believe in the notion that Kosovo's independence has consequences all over Europe, unleashing a wave or cascade (pick your aquatic metaphor) of ethno-nationalist breakups. There is no commonly defined international right of self-determination, so these situations are determined by politics, both local and international. In some of the cases you've mentioned (Spain, Belgium), domestic support for independence is minimal, and international support for such a process is non-existent. In the case of Kosovo, 90 percent of the population wants its own state, and this is supported by the US and Europe. As manipulative as the phrase "international community" sounds, as far as Serbia and its future go, Europe and the United make up for "international community" much better than Russia or China.

Miodrag Kapor said...

I agree Pablo when you said that "Europe and the United make up for "international community (IC)" much better than Russia or China" but it does not automatically mean that their decision would bring a long term peace in the Balkan peninsula which "should" be their ultimate goal. You also mentioned that 90% of Kosovars want independence from Serbia. Well, about the same percentage of people in the Republic of Srpska are in favor of independence (and so many other examples like Taiwan or Abhkazia) but they are forced by IC to stay in the artificial union with the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As in the earlier Balkan cases, the question is not whether to grant independence, but how to do it in a way that avoids war and a long term political instability. The Serbs in northern Kosovo view a possible secession as subordinating them to the dominion of ethnic Albanians who have perpetrated two ethnic cleansing campaigns in the past eight years. Therefore, if the IC insists on the recognition of Kosovo's independency they should address to all possible consequences that that decision may bring with it.

Miodrag Kapor said...

One more thing. When I mentioned that recognizing the independence of Kosovo was "in contradiction with international law," I meant against the U.N. resolution 1244 which ended the war in 1999. Here are just some quotes from the resolution:

"Reaffirming the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the other States of the region, as set out in the Helsinki Final Act,
Reaffirming the call in previous resolutions for substantial autonomy and meaningful self-administration for Kosovo."

P. Yannakogeorgos said...

I'd just like to drop, say hello, and comment on this interesting topic.

Europe is not unified on the Kosovo issue. Keep in mind that:,9171,1668233,00.html Greece, Slovakia and Spain have said they oppose [Kosovo's] self-declared independence, largely on the grounds that it would encourage separatism among ethnic minorities in their own countries. I am interested in seeing if Russia will stick to its position until December 10. I think Putin will, and will use Kosovo's independence for his own benefit to support separatists in Georgia and Moldova.

If Kosovo does become independent, it is widely feared that the flames of Albanian irredentism will be further fanned. Following the KLA model, and being networked with that organization, new militant Albanian organization will create new Kosovo's all over the region with the objective of forming a Greater Albania or United States of Albania.

The first State that may fall victim to such actions will be the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). As recently as 2001, Albanian separatists were giving the army of FYROM a run for their money, even reaching the outskirts of Tetovo.

Greece is also threatened by a newly formed "Çamëria Liberation Organization" which seeks to "reclaim" the region of Northern Epirus from the Greeks. See this video, addressed to Greeks, as evidence.

While I don't agree with the John Bolton on all matters, I do think that his views on Kosovo (among others) are spot on:

"I think the U.S. would be making a mistake if they unilaterally recognized Kosovo. The only reasonable solution would result from talks between the Serbs and Kosovo Albanians. A potential imposed solution could lead to violence, which is in no-one’s interests," warned Bolton.

"The matter has now moved from the Security Council to the wider diplomatic picture. That’s why a potential unilateral U.S. recognition of Kosovo independence would destabilize the region, and have completely the opposite effect to what American policy-making has been striving for these last fifteen years," says the former ambassador.

P. Yannakogeorgos said...

PS: Sorry that the links above are not working properly. For your reference, here they are:

Time qute:,9171,1668233,00.html

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Anonymous said...


As a Kosovar, i find very interesting view of the bloggers. But also i would like to shed up some light on the roots and causes of conflicts in short points. and then i will add up my comment in the end regarding the effect of Kosova idependence to its neighbors or other territories in the world.

The Kosovo problem began with the break up of Albania from the "powers of that time" (which are the same ones as they used to be)

This problem it is just a boomerang for the Europe it self. They are the ones who have created this problem from past believing Serbia's propaganda with Russia's assertion "world powers" believed whatever they said. Since Albania didn't have any representations in those days, but also as a muslim country in Europe saw little support from European countries. The only country who supported Albania was United States. Wudro Wilson, said that Albania exsisted on Europe before and ought to exsist again. However, half of it territories were given away to Greece, and Tito's Yugoslavia. (note: even on this times regions on greece (cameria), macedonia (western part) and Kosova, also south-west of Serbia or Eastern-Kosova-known to Kosova Albanians, cities such as Presheva, Bujanovc and Medvexha) are still heavily populated by native albanians.

Since its annexation of Kosova from Albania, Serbia has done anything possible to assimilate, destroy or imagine the worst things to Albanians. Albanians were the only population that didn't have primary, secondary and higher education in Albanian language until 1974, when Tito granted a constitution which granted the education, but also left the option to self-declare the independence (will come back later to this). However even this constitution,Albanians were the poorest, the least developed region and worst than any other nation of ex-yugoslavia.
During the 80's Albanians begun the first step towards the break up of Yugoslavia. However, the regime responded with brutality never seen before. The government brought forces from whole yugoslavia-starting from Slovenia all the way to Macedonia. Before the end of 90's Milosevic came to power thanks to Kosova serbs. He promised them they are going to "Eeat with Golden Spoons" once they take over Kosova's autonomy With annexation of Kosova under Serbia followed a brutal protest crushing, by killing hundreds of peaceful protesters, firing hundreds of thousands of Kosovars from their jobs, poisoning students from primary school all the way to university, tried to bring Serbs from Bosnia and Croatia to change the demography of Kosova (but didn't work out), all these lead to the uprising of guerila to open war 1998-1999 open war between Albanians and Serbian Regime. Serbian forces did everything possible to destroy, kill, eliminate what ever is or smelled Albanian.
I don't have to go through massacres of little babies, elderlies and destruction of culutural monuments, and burining of cities, and also to mention that with-in three months Serbs deported about 1 million Albanians. (this can't be just a random thing, it was highly planned by Dobrica Qosic-a high serbian academic and plan executed by Millosevic).

However, with all these reprisals,brutality, posionings, masacres of kids and elderlies, and ethnic cleansing Serbs never succeeded to assimilate Albanians with or with out the help of Europeans or Russians.

You (blogers) can believe me or not, but i am sure you can find an independent source of the older history, however new history such 1999 war in Kosova, is still fresh and no one can dispute Serbian attrocities and ethnic cleansing they commited in Kosova, but also 1990's wars in Croatia and Bosnia are still fresh.

Coming back to the future consequences on other regions?

I don't think we can find many regions in Europe who might have or share same history of Kosova.

Lets begin with Rep. Srpska: this state was never in the map before. They never exsisted as entity before, neither in Tito's Yugoslavia. This is a result of the Serbian war with Bosnians.

Catalonia or Basque in Spain, i dont think they were ever masacrated or killed in such a way as we did from Serbs.

Different groups in Belgium, same story is here.

We can go all the way down with the other regions, but i am quite sure none of them had this long history with their Governments or Countries they live in.

Regarding the security issue of our neighbors, i dont think they should be affraid from independence of Kosova.

First Albanians in Macedonia are quiet well inegrated with their self-governing in the cities were they are majoriy, but also are represented in central government. And besides they will be the first Albanians joining European Union.

Montenegro-Albanians are quiet integrated with the main government. Albaninans there are quiet happy. I have spent most of my vacations, also been there a refugee for several months due to the war, and many Montenegro-Albanians don't see themselves joining Albania.

Regarding the Cameria region, i think Greece as a European Union member they should see things in different view as a more developed country then the region were they are. They should probably compensate money to the people they deported from their houses during or after the WW II. Regarding this issue, i dont think war is the solution here. Courts are the best battles for this kind of problems that Camerians face with Greek government. And besides every treaty guarantees people's private property and no one can take that from you. No matter how much time passes by, how many governments come and go, no matter wich country used to be 100 ago or which ever is now. As long as you have the legal proof, no one can dispute the legality of that.

And finally, i can say that as a survivor of the war, former refugee, heartbroken from human and material losses i faced, and mostly as educated citizen of Kosova we will never be part of any Serbia (no matter how democratic they are) they still will try to destroy us. We won't give up what we fought for, and what the world has helped us achieve. And the opportunities i have now, no one could imagine them before 1999.


the truth will always prevail

Miodrag Kapor said...

Dear Mr. Z,
I have two questions for you:
1. Was Kosovo ever an independent Albanian entity in history? (claiming that modern Albanians are descendants of the ancient Illyrians is still highly disputable)
2. Regarding to your statement " they (Serbs) still will try to destroy us:" How come that the percentage of Serbs living in Kosovo have been constantly decreasing since the first recorded demographic census in the 15-th century?
According to Turkish cadastral tax census, in 1455 there were 12,985 Serbian and 46 Albanian dwellings.
An Austrian statistics published in 1899 estimated 47.88% of Albanians and 43.7% of Serbs living in Kosovo (at that time Kosovo was not part of Serbia.
1948: 68.46% Albanians and 23.6% Serbs.
And finally after the 1999 war there were: 88% Albanians and 7% Serbs which percentage is still in declining.
These statistics do not go along with statements such as "Albanians living in Kosovo and Metohija were second class citizens in the past."

Anonymous said...

Dear Miodrag,

No Kosova, was never a an independent territory, but i was a "region" within a tukish perandory known as "Vilajeti i Kosoves". Regarding the Illyrians decdents we have lots of facts that can prove that. Many words in modern Albanian language are the same as they used in Illyrian times. Let the historians figure that out and we will see.

Regarding the Turkish census, i wouldn't consider that very accurate because they have taxed only non-mulsims during these times. As a fact we know that Albanians converted from Christian catholics to Islam just because we didn't want to leave our lands and we wanted to live there no matter what, even if it meant changing the religion.

Regarding the Austro-Hungarians, i am not sure how they could pint point exactly with percentile the exact numbers. Austro-Hungarian perandory was there shortly and within few months i highly doubt that they could get such a accurate data, but also knowing that how tough the teritorry is even now, with paved streets and maps. I can imagine how bad it was back then. Back there they had no communication, no streets, no you can't pinpoint exactly the number of the nationalities living there.

One fact i want to bring to the attention is that Albanians have had always more than 5-6 kids on average. While Serbs had one or two kids. For example: My great-grand mother had 10 kids, my grand-mother had 8 kids, my mother had 4 kids. People in villages even on these days have 5-6 kids on average. As you can see just by adding and multiplication process numbers have increased gradually over the years.

Since Kosova came under Tito's Yugoslavia and Slobodan's Yugoslavia they were never treated equally.

Having more kids was the only way to fight back assimilations and presecutions by communist initially, than Rankovic until 1966 (we have many mass graves from these times being discovered now), and then Tito which gave us the deserved autonomy. As soon as he died, Kosova situation started to deteriorate. And with Milosevic in power, everything culminated.

One more reason, why Serbs left or are leaving now is that: 60-70% of Serbian civilians were involved in one way or the other with Serbian forces in destruction, killings and or other forms of presecution all over Yugoslavia.

Miodrag, if you were not there to live, you can't say nothing. Since, 1990 we were not allowed to go to our school to learn in our own language. Even though school buildings were empty, we were forced to go to study in private houses and chased by Serbian forces. Than our parents were fired from state jobs. And in my city we were 80% Albanians, 10-12% Serbs, and others. The mayor was Serb, police chief was serb, all the governmental and factory job positions were held by a minority of 10%. I suppose this is a "new Serbian democracy" as it with this new government of yours.

One thing i can say Miodrag, Serbia began four wars and three of them lost. I think this it tells us something. It tells clearly who was the agressor and who was the victim.

In all these cases Serbs lost wars, with bad consequences for local people but as well for local Serbs. First in Slovenia, lost. Then Croatia, even though they had initial success they lost it. And who were the losers, local Serbs. They lost their lands, houses and everything what they had for many many years. Now we can ask where are they!!!

In Bosnia, i suppose you were able to get a Republic which never exsisted before. But if it wasn't of international community to stop Croatians and Bosnian forces, it would have never been any Rep. Srpska or Serbs there. But this will leave the history to judge it.

And finally Kosova, where everything started with destruction of Yugoslavia, will probably end up here. Serbs lost this war aswell with high consequences for local Serbs. My neighbors were involved directly with killings and destructions. And now we wonder why they left!!!

After all this, Serbs still do not understand what they have done to their neighbors. But here is to blame European Union too, because of their hesistance to get rid of the fantasm state they wanted keep it no matter by supporting Milosevis regime. We know what prices local people paid.

And here we are after 18 years since the confilct started Serbs are the only ones who haven't arrest their main war criminals, who have not admit it what they have done to their neighbors, damages they have caused to these people, and other consequences that they are facing now.

Just look around, Slovenia is in EU already, Croatia is almost there, Macedonia will get there pretty soon, Montegnegro, is quiet there. And probably Serbs should ask themselves where they are standing. Where are they going and so on....maybe one day they will realize


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